You must not admit child pornography in public schools

AUSTIN, TX.- Governor Greg Abbott today sent a letter directing Texas Education Agency (TEA) Commissioner Mike Morath, Texas State Library and Archives Commission (TSLAC) Chair Martha Wong, and Texas State Board of Education (SBOE) Chair Keven Ellis to immediately develop statewide standards to ensure no child is exposed to pornography or other inappropriate content in a Texas public school. This comes after the Texas Association of School Boards abdicated responsibility of school boards in protecting children from being exposed to pornography or other inappropriate content in a Texas public school.

«Instead of addressing the concerns of parents and shielding Texas children from pornography in public schools, the Texas Association of School Boards has attempted to wash its hands clean of the issue by abdicating any and all responsibility in the matter,» reads the letter. «Given this negligence, the State of Texas now calls on you to do what the Texas Association of School Boards refuses to do. I am directing the Texas Education Agency, the Texas State Library and Archives Commission, and the State Board of Education to immediately develop statewide standards to prevent the presence of pornography and other obscene content in Texas public schools, including in school libraries.»

phy in public schools

AUSTIN, TX.- Governor Greg Abbott today sent a letter directing Texas Education Agency (TEA) Commissioner Mike Morath, Texas State Library and Archives Commission (TSLAC) Chair Martha Wong, and Texas State Board of Education (SBOE) Chair Keven Ellis to immediately develop statewide standards to ensure no child is exposed to pornography or other inappropriate content in a Texas public school. This comes after the Texas Association of School Boards abdicated responsibility of school boards in protecting children from being exposed to pornography or other inappropriate content in a Texas public school.

«Instead of addressing the concerns of parents and shielding Texas children from pornography in public schools, the Texas Association of School Boards has attempted to wash its hands clean of the issue by abdicating any and all responsibility in the matter,» reads the letter. «Given this negligence, the State of Texas now calls on you to do what the Texas Association of School Boards refuses to do. I am directing the Texas Education Agency, the Texas State Library and Archives Commission, and the State Board of Education to immediately develop statewide standards to prevent the presence of pornography and other obscene content in Texas public schools, including in school libraries.»


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