Chamber of Commerce evaluates candidates’ political project


LAREDO, TX. – Today, Friday, under a unique format, the Laredo Chamber of Commerce will upload to social networks the opinions of mayoral candidates about their political project, essentially in the field of commerce.

Gabriela Morales, CEO of the Chamber of Commerce, asked the candidates who agreed to participate about their interest in small businesses.

The interviews will be published on the social networks of the Chamber of Commerce on Friday, October 14, Morales said.

«Our interest is that our associates are informed of the projects that each candidate offers to the community,» said CEO Morales. «They talk about strengthening the business and giving incentives.»

The Laredo Chamber of Commerce will make a recommendation to the business community to be informed and to participate in their vote according to their evaluation of each candidate.

«There is concern about knowing in the voice of each candidate her policy to reopen the historic center and bring it back to life,» Morales said. “The historic center was devastated by the pandemic and other factors, but it is possible that something can be done.”

They interviewed the candidates one by one to explain without controversy of their projects for downtown Laredo.

The Laredo Chamber of Commerce seeks a restructuring plan, incentives in the use of buildings, as well in strengthening tourism.

Morales said that the Chamber of Commerce will not make public pronouncements in favor of any candidate, because its only interest is to provide information to its associates and the community in general.



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