Six judges unburden asylum cases for detainees and free


LAREDO, TX. – Six immigration judges deal with thousands of cases with detainees and immigrants released in Laredo.

There are 3,500 files that will be filed in the coming months, said Federal Congressman Henry Cuellar at a press conference in front of the federal court building.

Cuellar visited the judges and the press was authorized to take a tour of one of the courts knowing the details and operation in the courts.

Federal Court officials allowed journalists to tour the facilities without cameras or video.

The communicologists went through the review process to avoid the introduction of metals or cameras to the courts.

Officials reported that eight immigration courts operate in the building and currently six judges hold their hearings.

There are ten staff members and federal security guards.

From February to date, more than 2,000 cases have been attended where asylum and other migration items are discussed.

Cuellar said that before the migration cases should be aired in San Antonio where they were accumulating, for which the budget for the Federal Courts in Laredo was authorized and to cover the salaries of the judges.

“Now the applicants won’t have to go to other communities,” Cuellar said. “Whoever enters this country will be prosecuted by Laredo.”


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