Laredo Council praises businessman José Antonio Mansur


LAREDO, TX. – The sports entrepreneur José Antonio Mansur welcomed with his family and friends the recognition of his career and professional work in a session of the Laredo government council.

Mr. Mansur reached five decades of transferring professional baseball to national regions of Mexico and sharing it binational with the United States is merit and vision.

Important newspapers in Europe and The New York Times wrote specialized publications concentrating on his interest in the fact that baseball is shared between Mexico and the United States.

Alderman Albert Torres presented Mansur at the official government session and in front of the public praised his management for promoting the sport born in the United States and recognized as the king of sports.

Mayor Pete Sáenz Jr. gave him the recognition of the Laredo government in a compliment that delighted Mansur and his wife, Patricia Beltrán; accompanied by Chara Mansur, grandchildren, and the philanthropist, AA Lic. Eduardo Garza Robles, CEO of Uni-Trade, whom Mansur publicly presented as his great friend.

Mansur said that 50 years of being involved with the «King of Sports» took him back to 1972 when his father built the vision for professional baseball.

“We continue with my brother Roberto and now with my children. Three generations in this beautiful fight”, said Mansur. “Excited is the expression for the future of the team. We want to continue to be present for many more years through family and friends like Eduardo Garza and the beautiful fans”.

He recognized and praised the friendship of citizens of both Laredos that make them feel at home.

Fifty years in baseball have left him with friendships, championships, satisfaction and the joy of being the bearer of the beautiful sport said, Mansur.

«In the cities where we have been, sports are generated, crime is reduced and people become fond of the sublime that this sport leaves behind,» Mansur said. «Baseball is encouraged among children and young people.»

«We see the trajectory and personality of Don José Antonio Mansur and we must ponder the 50 years of work and dedication to the sport,» said Garza Robles. «It was an emotional day for the Mansur family where the basis of these triumphs is centered on her and his wife with 52 years of marriage.»

«We have a winning team because of the leadership of the Mansur family,» said Garza Robles. “The Uni-Trade Stadium project is accompanied by the Tecolotes de Los Dos Laredos team. It is a team with a great binational tradition.”

The AA and CEO of Uni-Trade Garza Robles ratified the friendship that he has with the Mansur family with an intense career pondering the sport and its benefits.

“We are happy that they are in Laredo, as well as the motivation and enthusiasm they transmit to the team. They are convinced of what they are doing,” said Garza Robles. “We will get to the championship.”


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