Boys-Girls Club fundraiser winners

From The Boys and Girls Club of Laredo


Arturo Sanchez won the $25,000 grand prize at the 42nd annual Boys and Girls Club of Laredo Fundraiser on Tuesday night at the Benavides Club.

Jerry Resendez took the runner-up prize of $12,000. Third prize of $10,000 went to Leroy Soliz. Fourth prize of $8,000 went to Victor Vasquez. There were six $5,000 winners – Gerardo Gonzalez, Sheldon Gallegos, Jesus Davila, Frank Rotnofsky, Alfonso Vasquez, Mark Deutsch.

The $2,000 winners were Louis Lavaude, Arnold Lares, Eduardo de Lachica, Sandy Enright, George Altgelt, Javi Villarreal, Richard Raymond, Daniel Salinas-C. Y. Benavides, Wayo Mounetou, Carlos Vallarta Family, LA Ventures, IMEX, Brenda Anderson, Judd Gilpin, Carlo Molano, Charlie Daniels, Lance Beckner won twice, Joe Gonzalez, Rafael Gutierrez, Life Downs, Carlos Ramirez, Leslie-Esther, Kurt Kraus, Melissa Peters , Wayo Benavides, Areli Martinez and Noah-Luke Mcdonald. The $5,000 second chance raffle winner was won by Benito Hurtado Jr. In total, there were 39 winners.

Boys-Girls Club board member Marisa Santos was the raffle chairperson. Board president George Beckelhymer thanked all involved for a successful event.


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