Holding maintains a mission to help migrants


LAREDO, TX. – Holding Institute receives immigrants under legal process and after contacting family members they help them continue their journey to different destinations in the country.
The Reverend Mike Smith, as well as federal authorities, except that for the month of May, when the application of Title 42 is annulled, the influx will be greater.
“Most immigrants leave the city after being served to continue their lives,” said the Rev. Smith. «They feed, they are provided with clothes, they rest and continue their lives.»
During the interview with Pastor Smith, he said that the number of immigrants seeking asylum in this country is growing.
«In the month of March, to name a date, 100 migrants were received, but now 200 are received,» said Smith. «On these figures, we base our vision that greater numbers will come when Title 42 is annulled.»
They are treated with the COVID-19 test and the vaccine is applied in order to guarantee that they are in a position to follow their destiny.
Reverend Smith clarified that the people who receive care have permission to remain in the country, in addition to traveling to any point in the United States.


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